Monday, March 10, 2008

Dynamic Curriculum / Learning Paths

Traditional curriculums are for lack of a better description, predetermined discovery paths. They provide the shared parameters for group and individual learning in standardized assessment-based programs. Learners seldom if ever have any influence over the curriculums they are compelled to follow. Viewed another way, a curriculum is the structural framework upon which all content elements, learning activities and assessments are developed. Just as a lesson plan may provide the guide to one class session, the curriculum provides the path through entire courses and programs of study.

A Dynamic Curriculum is something that simply doesn’t exist today in formal education settings; however it is something that is practiced by most people unconsciously throughout their lives. The practice is entirely ad hoc though, and one person’s dynamic curriculum may be thoroughly documented while most merely exist in a logical sense.

This closely parallels the discover
y process most people use now both personally and for their work. Discovery is facilitated by search engine technology with minimal tracking capability usually in the form of “favorites” or “bookmarks” saved directly in the web browsers. The world’s largest technology firms have recognized that this is the single most significant target of opportunity for software exploitation. As we speak, new desktop search engines are being deployed by Google, Microsoft and others furiously working to begin taking control of the myriad data sources both on one’s computer and collected from the Internet.

Copyright 2008, Semantech Inc.

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